The ability to manage Attendance & Transportation Records (add, edit & delete) is accessed via the Attendance & Transportation Records button found in the ElderSuite Client Center. It's important to understand that the Attendance & Transportation Records are at the heart of automation implemented throughout ElderSuiteThis innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is what we refer to ElderSuite's Automation Services.

Please Note: Ensure you have read and completed the First Steps documentation before inputting Attendance & Transportation Records.

Managing Attendance & Transportation Records

Step 1

Attendance & Transportation Records can be found in the Client Center. To display the Client Center, use your mouse to click the Client Center button on ElderSuite's Navigation Bar as pointed out in the image below.

Step 2

After the Client Center is displayed locate the Attendance & Transportation Records button located in the Client Center . With your mouse, open the Attendance & Transportation Records window by clicking the button as pointed out in the image below.

Elements, Layout & Basic Navigation

When the Attendance & Transportation Records Window is be displayed it will retrieve any records that are found for the default date of service which is preset in the Date Field (Item 1 in the image below). By default, the Date field is preset to the current date provided by the computer. Users can change this default by enabling the Load Previous Day Toggle Switch (Item 5 in the image below). By enabling this option ElderSuite will preset the Date field to the previous day calculated from the computer's current date. Additionally, ElderSuite will remember the last setting selected for future use. This option is available to users who prefer to enter times on the next business day. Enabling this option eliminates a step for users and can prevent error when users forget to change to the correct date of service. This error can occur when a provider's routine is to enter times for the previous day.

The Selected Route Drop-Down List (Item 2 in the image below) can be used to filter the client list by Route. Selecting a route from this list displays only client's assigned to the selected route.

The Sort By Drop-Down List (Item 3 in the image below) can be used to sort the list.  You can sort by Client Name or by Client Pickup Order. See the Manage Pickup Order documentation for additional information on how to manage the client pickup order for a route.

The default time format in the Pick Up and Drop Off fields is the standard 12 Hour format.  Users can choose display Pick Up and Drop Off Times in 24 Hour Format if preferred. Enable or disable the the 24 Hour Format Toggle Switch (Item 7 in the image below) to change format. ElderSuite will remember the last setting selected for future use.

Step 3

To manage Attendance & Transportation Records you must first ensure the correct Date of Service is selected for which you would like to manage records. To input a Date of Service type the desired date into the Date field (Item 1 in previous image) or select it from the Date field's Drop-Down Date Picker by clicking the Down Arrow located in the Date field (Item 1 in previous image). Upon inputting or selecting your desired Date of Service, ElderSuite will retrieve any existing Attendance & Transportation Records matching the Date of Service entered. If there are no existing Attendance & Transportation Records found matching the Date of Service selected for a client, the grid will display only the Client's Name and will include only Clients enrolled during the same time frame as the Date of Service entered. ElderSuite determines if a client is enrolled based on the client's Start Date entered in the Client Contact Information window.

No Existing Records Found

Existing Records Found

Step 4

When inputting times for a Client, the record requires a time in the Pick-Up Time 1 field and a time in the Drop-Off Time 2 field. Additionally, if either of the inner Drop Off or Pick Up times contain a time, the other must contain a value as well. An example is shown in the image below containing both valid and invalid times. Records accompanied by the error symbol,, are records containing invalid times and can't be saved.

Please Note: When Time Validation is disabled, you will not be notified of invalid time entries AND any records containing invalid times will be discarded when the Save & Close button is clicked. It is recommended to leave Time Validation enabled.

Step 5

When you are finished inputting or editing times, click the Save & Close button with your mouse to save your changes and close the Attendance & Transportation Records window.

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