ElderSuite is comprised of 6 Category-Specific modules that group tasks according to what needs to be accomplished by users and a 7th module defined as the Help Center. All 7 modules are accessible by clicking the corresponding button on ElderSuite's main menu bar. The Provider Center is the first module and users can complete tasks related to the Provider. Each module except the Report Center and the Help Center is further divided into 4 separate groups. An image of the Provider Center is shown below and each group within the Provider Center is labeled as Items 1 through 4.
Item 1 in each module is where specific tasks can be completed for that module and Item 1 in the Provider Center contains buttons for all available tasks which are categorized as Provider Tasks. These tasks include Managing Provider Information, Managing Provide Documents, Managing Employees, Managing Device Installations, Managing Monthly Fire Drill Assessments, and Criminal History Checks.
Item 2 in each module contains documentation for that module and Item 2 in the Provider Center contains links to Provider Center Documentation. Please note that all documentation can also be found in the ElderSuite Help Center located at https://support.eldersuite.com.
Item 3 in each module contains links to Related Activities for that module. However, the Provider Center doesn't currently have any Related Activities available.
Item 4 in each module contains Helpful Links related to that module. These Helpful Links are generally website links to external entities or information specific to your service region. Contact MicroSolutions if you would like to request the addition of region specific links.
Additional Support for ElderSuite is always available by phone toll-free at +1 888.999.8055
Visit ElderSuite: https://www.eldersuite.com
Visit ElderSuite Help Center: https://support.eldersuite.com
E-mail ElderSuite Support: [email protected]